The Winning Play

I'm not dead! This is my first comic in a while, but don't think I'm coming back for a long time, life's busy. This is my first comic in 2021, and since SG (and Flash) died. Rest in Peace Flash and StripGenerator. That's ANOTHER comic I have planned.. along with 4 others! That makes 5.. good lord. I wanted to make something related to that tennis shot I made in "Library of Assets" since it looked really cool so I just quickly threw together this one since I didn't have much time otherwise. Now's the time to make predictions on what 2021 will be like! I think 2021 will ultimately be a bad year, but not as bad as 2020, because nothing can be worse than 2020. God please don't quote me on that. Anyway, I saved this to my library not only because I still don't entirely trust the backend of this website (I did after all lose an entire comic to backend issues) but also it just looks cool as an icon. And if you use it aswell, I think you'd agree. Anyway, I'm approaching 1000 characters so bye.