Zeek 308
El_Ceviche 19 September, 2024
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Did it last year bro. You know me. Get the art part ready ahead of time.
David Bowie
Nice job on the girl though
Don't want to think about the time involved.
Didn't see that coming...
Transcript: Hades has just thrown himself and Julian off the train after trying to kill Zeek's friends.
Who was that Hades guy?
I don't know. It's strange he knew we were Zeek's friends though.
Good thing Julian showed up. I hope he's okay.
He was cute.
Too old, Jade. He had to be at least twenty!
So, Julian is here too now?
Last we saw. He and Hades kinda fell off the train.
You know what? He wouldn't have had to save us If we were more powerful.
She has a point Eugene.
You have Generatrix powers now. Can't you change us?
I'm not sure how to do it, but I'll try.
Just stand over there.
A glowing light envelopes Jade and Dante
As the glow fades...
Hey! I'm Mace Windu!
Sweet! I'm Ashoka!