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the fiend! couldn't they just load the socks with coal or something
Monsieur Pambe sait distinguer les mots ! Trop fort.
(i know its him)
Or my neighbor
Try Midwest with insomnia.
Pen, judging by when you publish, you must either be sooo east coast or in another country.
Monsieur Pambe huh? Some sort of Anti Santa?
The Horror!
Santa: Time to hitch up the sleigh Rudolf.
Rudolf: But it’s not Christmas Eve yet.
Santa: I know that, but I’ve got a big shipment going out to Monsieur Pambe.
Rudolf: Who’s Monsieur Pambe?
Santa: It’s a little known fact that if a child hangs two stockings on Christmas Eve, Santa Claus (that’s me) will fill one with good things and Monsieur Pambe will fill the other with payment for all the things that child said on the day before Christmas, good or bad.
Rudolf: Good or bad?
Santa: You know: like if the kid says good things, Monsieur Pambe will put good things in the stocking, and for every bad thing the brat says, into the sock go bad things.
Rudolf: What sort of bad things?
Santa: Oh, horrible, dreadful things. The sort of stuff nightmares are made of.
Santa: Now help me to load this junk onto the sleigh; the sooner it’s out of here the better.