The window is back! and better than ever!
El_Ceviche 18 November, 2020
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Mark Burkhart
You didn't make it better bro. You made it harder...
and green screen already in work
I even made it better, bro. Abba and Farri like it.
yer cheating bro, one window does not make a Late Night show... And I really have other things to do than make a window!
Abba is dark because lights are not placed correctly
Abba is too dark. And Farri's eye...
Oh and the Lone Ranger! Wait a sec that's not hard...ok with that...
Some time here I'm gonna have to play pin the tail on the chicken. Not doing the window.
Really Bro?
You can wash the inside of it from that side, Pen.
Can you wash it from the inside?
looks good to me
Still have a little work to do on it.
looks like I will have to clean up a few spots though.