Mixed Mediums

Naga sake    28 March, 2022
Mixed Mediums

Since the introduction of the "load SVG" button which secretly serves as a 'load any image file' button, I've been interested in the idea of mixing in other art, but mostly for art *I* made, like different character rigs and designs. But here's the thing; I already switch up the artstyle of this comic from time to time (Which is why even if you keep up with each page fragment the story might seem incomplete, because the official compiled version of it is on my personal website), and considering the whole kitchen-sink approach to fantasy and different types of creatures in CC, I figure it'd be cool to add in real world images and backgrounds. Plus, it can give a better idea of what CC actually looks like. I want to get across this look of being very industrial while also being very scifi. "Industry City IMG_8295" by dianaconnolly101 is marked with CC BY 2.0. To view the terms, visit

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03/04/2022 Edited   Mark Burkhart Mark Burkhart

29/03/2022 Edited   FireLordA2 FireLordA2
experiment with adding filters to the background photos

29/03/2022 Edited   Stihl Stihl
i like this mixed style !

28/03/2022 Edited   NeoChomik NeoChomik
when your life is on the line, your real colours shine through. Many people would be frozen stiff when coming to their death

28/03/2022 Edited   El_Ceviche El_Ceviche
Tried to give it two likes or a love, but couldn't find the buttons.

28/03/2022 Edited   El_Ceviche El_Ceviche
Sorry for commenting so much, but light reflection of the characters on the floor probably would have been the final touch to this amazing scene

28/03/2022 Edited   El_Ceviche El_Ceviche
I wish I knew that's secret btw

28/03/2022 Edited   El_Ceviche El_Ceviche
Very well done.

28/03/2022 Edited   El_Ceviche El_Ceviche
Lol. Until I figured out it was a real image, I was freaking out. About how real it looked.

28/03/2022 Edited   Pen_alias Pen_alias
It's amazing how much prisons and malls look alike.

28/03/2022 Edited   Emerald1631 Emerald1631
*vine boom sound* KILL ALL BONEHEADS IN REAL?!?!