Driving Practice
Emerald1631 23 March, 2021
I am so busy all the time that I still haven't gotten my license despite plenty of people my age having them by now. Something that is always funny is that whenever I go to practice at a nearby college campus, someone is always walking their dog or riding their bike at this one little area of the campus. Every time, without fail, this exact situation occurs. Driving is scary!
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Mark Burkhart
I'm walking it got to be faster than stopping for every pleabian and his dog that get in my way!
My thought exactly.
The guy who rammed into my bumper doesn't share my concern for other people though
I was the earliest to get a license compared to my siblings
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Dog+Owner hit actually combos into running a red light for bonus points believe it or not.
People walking dogs have been known to inexplicably dive in front of cars.