Boldly Plug

Pen_alias    10 March, 2021
Boldly Plug


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13/03/2021 Edited   Pen_alias Pen_alias
It's actually supposed to be orbiting but it's open to interpretation.

13/03/2021 Edited   Mark Burkhart Mark Burkhart
Ther seems to be a chicken coop landing on that planet. Now days you never know though. It might be a penguin coop.

12/03/2021 Edited   Stihl Stihl
Modern problems

11/03/2021 Edited   NeoChomik NeoChomik
you can only talk through the big screens. It's like the regulation

10/03/2021 Edited   MadameCercle MadameCercle
Encore une juteuse occasion manquée !

10/03/2021 Edited   Pen_alias Pen_alias
Transcript: Captain’s log: star date hinky dinky parlez vous - I was resting in my quarters when I received an urgent communication... Crowgain is clinically proven to regrow hair. One drop on the base of the scalp is enough to grow long, luscious hair for the rest of your life and well into death. Call within the next five minutes and get a second five gallon tank of Crowgain absolutely free! Call 1-800-CROW - right - NOW! Oh man, finally, just what I’ve been waiting for! What? No signal?! When are they going to build some cell phone towers out here!?