Balloon page 11 bottom

Naga sake    3 March, 2021
Balloon page 11 bottom

So I made this really cool and elaborate background only to 1. cover it with text boxes, and 2. fuck it up last second and have to attempt to re-layer everything cause I accidentally ungrouped it and it ended up on top of the text boxes. And I was such a moron I didn't even think to use the new to CC "move back" option instead of sending it all the way to the back. Sorry this page is so dialogue heavy. Expect that for the next few pages actually, sorry. Thought it was a big funny how the old Julian's main character feature was being a cyborg, yet now he's so hesitant. As a writer I'm gonna try to keep every character to having one power source, because otherwise they might get too complicated or mary-sue-esque

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04/03/2021 Edited   Mark Burkhart Mark Burkhart
And got a bloody nose?

03/03/2021 Edited   NeoChomik NeoChomik
so he not only took down elite m.p he conducted an experiment

03/03/2021 Edited   MadameCercle MadameCercle
Je souscris à la proposition de El_Ceviche ... (autrement, pour comprendre le texte je suis obligée de le ré-écrire pour ensuite l'envoyer au traducteur ... ce que je ne fais jamais).

03/03/2021 Edited   El_Ceviche El_Ceviche
Hey, just a thought. If you do only one frame, you could write the dialogue like a script under it where you wrote the explanation. No text boxes just a beautiful illustration to go with the story.