My experience in quarantine

Elmer    22 February, 2021
My experience in quarantine


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23/02/2021 Edited   Naga sake Naga sake
These are the kind of strips I like to see.

23/02/2021 Edited   Naga sake Naga sake
it's not ending any time soon. Aparently we have a vaccine, good but there's no government program helping distribute it at least not efficiently, and we also dont have a proper cure or treatment after you've been infected like we do for other diseases.

23/02/2021 Edited   Mark Burkhart Mark Burkhart
Oh yeah, send yor Mom...

22/02/2021 Edited   El_Ceviche El_Ceviche

22/02/2021 Edited   No Profile Image Anthony (2)
Thats me