The Mighty Tsoo Nation!

Mark Burkhart    3 February, 2021
The Mighty Tsoo Nation!

just wanted to make a starship that didn't look like a musical instrument

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09/02/2021 Edited   NeoChomik NeoChomik
it flute in the skies

03/02/2021 Edited   Mr. Burkhart Mr. Burkhart
You can FIX the title bro.

03/02/2021 Edited   Pen_alias Pen_alias
Tsoo you say...

03/02/2021 Edited   Mark Burkhart Mark Burkhart
They are the Mighty Tsoo Nation.

03/02/2021 Edited   MadameCercle MadameCercle
* * *

03/02/2021 Edited   El_Ceviche El_Ceviche
Interesting how they spotted the BIG steath ship...

03/02/2021 Edited   Mark Burkhart Mark Burkhart
listen kids don't worry about it. (talking to my brothers students)

03/02/2021 Edited   Mark Burkhart Mark Burkhart
crap. and into

03/02/2021 Edited   Mark Burkhart Mark Burkhart
oh the not they

03/02/2021 Edited   Mark Burkhart Mark Burkhart
hope this guy doesn't hang around. wonder what his name is?