Boldly Oh!

Pen_alias    1 February, 2021
Boldly Oh!


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09/02/2021 Edited   NeoChomik NeoChomik
what a turmoil

03/02/2021 Edited   Stihl Stihl

02/02/2021 Edited   MadameCercle MadameCercle
Rudes turbulences.

02/02/2021 Edited   Mark Burkhart Mark Burkhart
Not picking up the cards. You dropped them.

01/02/2021 Edited   Mr. Burkhart Mr. Burkhart
So that's how it's done?

01/02/2021 Edited   Pen_alias Pen_alias
Transcript: Chicken: Captain Turk, we’re experiencing turbulence! Both: Whoa! Both: Aaah! Both: Eeeeee! Turkey: Are we done? Can we stop now? Chicken: Quiet! You’re ruining it for me!