Late Night with Abba and Farri

El_Ceviche    5 January, 2021
Late Night with Abba and Farri

Looks like the window got a contract!

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11/01/2021 Edited   Mark Burkhart Mark Burkhart
Can't we just turn it around and pretend that it's not there?

11/01/2021 Edited   El_Ceviche El_Ceviche
Don't worry about the contract. The window isn't any better at negotiating now than when it was a mirror. Always gets sucky terms. Blah blah the window will serve blah in return for occasional by lines and possible bit parts blah blah signed T Window.

10/01/2021 Edited   NeoChomik NeoChomik
Oh boy a new show? I wonder where it will go

07/01/2021 Edited   Mark Burkhart Mark Burkhart
I hate windows!

07/01/2021 Edited   Mark Burkhart Mark Burkhart
My show bro, what contract?

06/01/2021 Edited   MadameCercle MadameCercle
Whaaa - - -j'ai tout oubliƩ de cette langue !

06/01/2021 Edited   El_Ceviche El_Ceviche
Nope that isn't part of the contract.

06/01/2021 Edited   Mark Burkhart Mark Burkhart
Late Night with ...the Window?

06/01/2021 Edited   El_Ceviche El_Ceviche
That's what the shades are for homie!

06/01/2021 Edited   Pen_alias Pen_alias
If you use one of those on a window, won't you end up erasing your own memory?

05/01/2021 Edited   El_Ceviche El_Ceviche
Just wrapping up some loose ends in Mark's world so I'll be able to move on after the battle with the Zolteks.