Late Night with Abba and Farri
El_Ceviche 5 January, 2021
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Mark Burkhart
Can't we just turn it around and pretend that it's not there?
Don't worry about the contract. The window isn't any better at negotiating now than when it was a mirror. Always gets sucky terms. Blah blah the window will serve blah in return for occasional by lines and possible bit parts blah blah signed T Window.
Oh boy a new show? I wonder where it will go
I hate windows!
My show bro, what contract?
Whaaa - - -j'ai tout oubliƩ de cette langue !
Nope that isn't part of the contract.
Late Night with ...the Window?
That's what the shades are for homie!
If you use one of those on a window, won't you end up erasing your own memory?
Just wrapping up some loose ends in Mark's world so I'll be able to move on after the battle with the Zolteks.