Zeek 312
El_Ceviche 16 October, 2024
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Mark Burkhart

Gotta get H2 ou5 anyway.
I seem to be leaving at about the right time...hmmmm . we'll see...
You know what people are like when they speak a language they don't thnk most people around them know. I'll have him apologize as soon as he gets home.
Sure B-R is right, but it's no reason to blurt out all those filthy obscenities.
Transcript: Finally, the Millennium Falcon takes its leave of Space City.
It feels weird leaving Space City. It's where I've lived since this whole mess started,
Where are we going now anyway?
We’re going to my Uncle's workshop on Tatooine.
Yup, Neo has a plan.
This is what the new fighter bomber I have planned will look like.
Breep twiddley bop!
You're right B-R
I'm just glad to be leaving that dreadful Space City!
Meanwhile, in Space City…
Do you see anything yet?
Not yet.
workers explore the site of a train accident.
Did you hear about the Bruce Sliptream concert?
Yeah, everyone died.
Some kind of industrial waste accident I hear. Hey, what's that ahead?
Some kind of green glow...Never seen that in the train tunnels before...weird.