Zeek 311
El_Ceviche 4 October, 2024
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Mark Burkhart

I hate running with the storyline but the trash compactor will probably give me three strips...
They are really mostly there to Get Benny close to Kenny. I can see some major flaws in their plan.
As long as they don't run into the Emperor.
The Green Hornet and Kato will no doubt save the day.
Transcript: It looks like That bonehead I picked up for the emperor attacked our friends on Space City?
Didn't we make it so you would bring back the weakest bonehead you could find?
I did, but apparently, the emperor supercharged him using my ring.
Aye, that ring is why we can't just use this technology tae break his hold on us.
As long as he has your power, we cannae move against him directly.
Well, if he sent Hades against our friends, I have to go to Space City to protect them.
Calm down, Zeek. They survived and it looks like Hades didn't.
I need to be there. They might need my help!
Nae lad, th’ cobbo's right. If you go, you will go as the emperor's tool.
You're both right. I hate it, but this is the only place we can be ourselves.
However, we need to go back outside before the emperor gets suspicious.
And shortly…
The emperor's three most powerful tools are back aboard the Death Star.