Zeek 309
El_Ceviche 30 September, 2024
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What on Earth made you feel safe on the Death Star bro? Have you SEEN Star Wars?
But I'm not going quit yet
I hate it I thought I was safe here...
Have fun with the Death Star bro. Remember, the floors are shiny.
How conspiratorial.
Transcript: Darth Zader Gazes into space aboard the Death Star, pondering the inscrutable will of his master.
Suddenly, he turns and leaves the room.
Heading silently down the corridor.
At the same time, the spider Kenneth has left his post on some silent mission of his own.
The Engineer, Angus also seems to be oot and aboot as he would say.
The three meet in a room housing a strange device.
At the tap of a few keys, the device opens allowing the three to enter and take prepared seats.
Then it hisses closed sealing them off from the outside world.