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Mark Burkhart

He only does the dew.
Too bad Neo isn't around to do another Tranya commercial.
Fine! Have fun turning into William Shatner.
Not voting for tranya, Bawkman...?
Transcript 2:
Barns, why is Yeoman still acting like Shatner?
I didn’t think Yeoman would need any more tranya, being the first to take the cure. I’ll have to administer a booster.
Well three hundred and ninety nine out of four hundred ain’t bad. That’s good work from everyone, especially tranya.
Yes, tranya saved this crew, and you should give your crew the edge it needs to face the day by starting each morning with tranya!
Paid for by the committee to elect tranya.
Transcript 1:
Captain’s log: star date - quicker than a ray of light - Barns had a much easier time giving the rest of the crew tranya than I did making Yeoman drink it. Must be his bedside manner. He’s a doctor, you know…
Captain Turk, I’m so embarrassed. I hope when I was pretending to be William Shatner you didn’t think I was making fun of you.
What are you talking about Uhenra? I never talk like William Shatner…except for maybe when I’ve had a little too much Wild Turkey.
It’s a resounding success. Aside from my striking resemblance to Lenard Nimoy, you’d never know anything on this ship ever had anything to do with Star Trek. We’ve beaten the Cue at his own game.
Yeah, eight ball!
Pool cue - eight ball…oh, never mind.