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El_Ceviche GOES withtheshirt!
Let's play musical hairs
Captain’s log: star date - nothing but net - Have you ever force fed a chicken tranya? Of course you have. It’s hard isn’t it…
Cough cough
Why did you do that? I don’t care if you are the captain; there are boundaries everyone should respect!
Never heard William Shatner say that…I don’t think.
What about it Spork; is she cured?
Ah! What’s this on my head? Ew!
The Shatometer isn’t responding at all. It’s a success!
You guys and your sick, ineffectual pranks! I don’t care if you do outrank me; you can’t get away with this! I’m going straight to H.R.!
Excellent! I’ll administer tranya to the whole crew and soon everything will be back to normal.
My mother told me not to be an astronaut. I could have been a dancer!
Does this hair go with this shirt?