Boldly Shatner

Pen_alias    30 August, 2024
Boldly Shatner

Yes, Captain Turk still doesn't realize that Yeoman is two different birds. He's got a lot of responsibilities; he can't be expected to notice every little detail.

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31/08/2024 Edited   Mark Burkhart Mark Burkhart
But WAA....wa WAA!!!

30/08/2024 Edited   El_Ceviche El_Ceviche
He does have a lot on his plate. But he wants more on his pate. ;)

30/08/2024 Edited   Pen_alias Pen_alias
Transcript 2: Well, I’ll get to the bottom of this fiasco… Yeoman, where did you get that sweet toupee? Give me a break… I’m a cop… UNDER-cover. It’s getting worse; now she’s doing T. J. Hooker. Waa waa WAA! Waa waa waa waa WAAAAA! Alright Yeoman, you’ve already done your bit; don’t milk it.

30/08/2024 Edited   Pen_alias Pen_alias
Transcript 1: Captain’s log: star date - ew wee, chirpy, chirpy, cheep - much of the crew appears to be displaying some sort of affectation wherein he or she speaks haltingly with great bursts of emotion and long…dramatic…pauses… They’re all doing bad William Shatner impersonations! What’s causing this Dr. Bawkoy? I haven’t the foggiest Spork. None of the officers I’ve examined show the slightest indication of physical malady. Well then they’re just being rude! Bill Shatner is a consummate professional! All these frivolous imitations are an affront to his legacy! Yeah you guys, show some respect for the dead. William Shatner isn’t dead Captain Turk. Are you sure? Isn’t he like a hundred and twelve? Ninety three - and yes I’m sure: I check his Wikipedia page on an hourly basis.