Chicken of the year!
Mark Burkhart 26 August, 2024
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Goodness me! This is a real competition? Crap gotta get on the stick!
Me either...
Can't imagine why your twin brother wouldn't be impartial.
I just accidentally made a really cool chicken of of your model
Oh and Love Backman
It's a pity though He also has chickens...
I know that he is my brother, but He is also the a strip historian
How about El Ceviche.
Don't know, I obviously can't judge it...ai mean really if I said that I was fair and impartial who would believe me...
Besides, I doubt I could top Bawkman.
Who exactly is judging this contest? I feel I might not get a fair shake.
Btw I hope other people make som cool chickens
I do understand that I have a natural advantage =)
We have a lot of time Should be fun " Chicken of the Year! "