Okay let's try this again.

Naga sake    26 August, 2024
Okay let's try this again.

In the original design of the page the bottom part were frames with characters properly drawn, but honestly after spending too damn long working on the page I didn't want to do it all again so here ya go. I've made a bit of a habit of using red symbols to represent characters as pseudo-logos. For Julian it's the flame, For Naga the red X, For hector it's just a simplified version of his head, Tammy it's her lips. For Sander the Anarchy symbol on his shirt (which I only even bothered adding later on to differentiate him from the stock character he's based on). I decided to add SOME details into this, with Sander's hat and Julian's eyebrows. Also have y'all ever had a wannabe rapper try to rap for you and you alone before, it's like being a cornered fucking animal subjected to their garbage, playing a beat through their phone speaker.

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08/09/2024 Edited   No Profile Image Naga sake 2
New account I guess since the old one got neutered

26/08/2024 Edited   El_Ceviche El_Ceviche
Damn! How long has Julian been wearing orange pants?!

26/08/2024 Edited   Mark Burkhart Mark Burkhart
That was a lot for you Julian, wow