Boldly Regale

Pen_alias    6 June, 2024
Boldly Regale


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08/06/2024 Edited   Mark Burkhart Mark Burkhart
If it doesn't give it a kick.

06/06/2024 Edited   El_Ceviche El_Ceviche
Reproduction by being devoured might tend to mess with one's psyche

06/06/2024 Edited   Pen_alias Pen_alias
Transcript 2: I traced the pirates to their home planet, destroyed all the Turnips in the vicinity and blew up their cybernetic command center: the insidious Mother Grain, along with their munitions depot, their greenhouse and their public library. On my way out I somehow managed to set off a chain reaction that destroyed the entire planet - purely by accident… Gee Spork, do you think those turnips she’s talking about might be related to that turnip you brought to life? Don’t be ridiculous Yeoman. That turnip crashed in the Antarctic; how could he possibly have reproduced? I’m really getting sick of this space chick. What’s taking Scratchy so long to repair that transporter? Meanwhile… Going to Mississippi - Gonna see Eliza -

06/06/2024 Edited   Pen_alias Pen_alias
Transcript 1: Science Officer’s log: star date - Waterloo two, two - while Chief Engineer Scratchy is busy repairing the transporter, our visitor, intergalactic bounty hunter: Gallus Frypan, has been regaling the crew with tales of her adventures. Yet, when I talk about my exploits, they fall asleep… I first encountered Turnips as a young child. My mother told me they were potatoes - then she laughed and laughed… It wasn’t until many years later that I came face to face with the truly deadly variety. They were being used as biological weapons by a race of intergalactic space pirates… That’s as opposed to your run of the mill terrestrial space pirate. Quiet Spork, we’re being regaled!