Zeek 286

El_Ceviche    23 January, 2024
Zeek 286

More mixed references, please!

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24/01/2024 Edited   MadameCercle MadameCercle
Déjà arrêter les pilules.

24/01/2024 Edited   Stihl Stihl
The blue pill takes you back to tatooine and the red one is just strawberry taste

23/01/2024 Edited   Pen_alias Pen_alias
And the ones that mother gives you don't do anything at all.

23/01/2024 Edited   El_Ceviche El_Ceviche
Transcript: Right this way Sir. Welcome to the Dagobah Cafe. Dagobah Cafe, eh? Any chance my waiter's name is Yoda? Of course sir. All our waiters are Yoda. Here is your table sir. Yoda Ms Yoda will be with you shortly. Wait a second, Yoda is a girl? Of course, sir. And soon, the waiter arrives Hello Child. Long enough to get here it took you. Huh? Wait a sec, you talk like yoda, but you sound like the Oracle, Ms Baltzel! Indeed, The Oracle I am. A choice to make, you have. The blue pill you take, back to Tatooine you go. If, the red pill you take, deeper in the rabbit hole you go.