The Many Forms of Naga Sake
HEAVY SPOILER WARNING: Kill all boneheads issue 4 has taken a while, more than any other issue, and I wont lie not much has been done, at least not anything I can post on my site. It's alot of out-of-order writing sporadically bouncing around the story, but alot of it is also working on character rigs and planing. There's alot of intersecting stories going on in issue 4, and alot i want to get acrossed in character development. Hearts reflect their owner's beliefs and personality and how a person changes can change how their heart manifests (even if the core is always the same). For someone like Julian that comes more gradually as he has himself pretty much figured out, he just has the rough edges he needs to sand off, but for someone like Naga, as volatile as he is, It's alot wonkier, and the forms his heart takes seem almost unrelated to someone who doesn't understand him. While Julian may only change by, say, using his aura as a protective layer around allies( continued in comments)