"Weekly" Bleblebles 13

Naga sake    24 September, 2023
"Weekly" Bleblebles 13

I so often hear people come to conclusions that think are giant epiphanies, especially on drugs, and I'm just like "wow you just figure that one out buddy", and they think I don't get it, but I do. You're not lifting some veil off your eyes, you're on drugs. I don't need drugs. Just think about shit bro. I so often hear people come to conclusions that think are giant epiphanies, especially on drugs, and I'm just like "wow you just figure that one out buddy", and they think I don't get it, but I do. You're not lifting some veil off your eyes, you're on drugs. I don't need drugs to figure shit out. Just *think about shit* bro. Like yeah being high is fun but don't act like you're having some spiritual journey.

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24/09/2023 Edited   El_Ceviche El_Ceviche
Drugs eh, who needs em...except aspirin, that's a good un. And Windex.

24/09/2023 Edited   Naga sake Naga sake
sorry for the giant page used for the single strip. The single-strip format built into the site is a lower quality