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Transcript for the English impaired:
Turkey: Nice elf costume.
Chicken: I am not an elf. I am a Vulcan from the Planet Vulcan!
Turkey: That’s nice. Do you speak elvish or common speech?
Chicken: I speak Vulcan!
Turkey: Must be an easy language to learn. You just say Vulcan a lot, right?
- - -ça cause Vulcan !
Mmmm mmmm - - aucune idée de ce qui se passe ici !
(mon anglais est toujours aussi mauvais)
(et pas de texte pour nourir le traducteur)
I vulcan say more
Nonsense, Captain Turk knows a Vulcan when he sees one.
That's still Turk out of costume!
elf yourself!
Elvish Elvish Elvish!