To Boldly Go....
El_Ceviche 16 November, 2020
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too messy for me :-)
Yup that's what he is doing.
"copy" in the sense that you are recreating it?
I copy something and put it with the ship or crew.
how can people collect things from other artists?
Dude their STRIP is always hit or miss anyway. Gets better when you play along.
Already know what you're collecting from me...
Beats an effin' big frigate.
A scrible of Fabiolar's character on sheet of paper
Okay, It IS Fabiolars. I already know how I'm going to do this, but I'm curious. How would you do this? And, I collected chickens from Pen. What should I collect from Fabiolars? I'm going to try to collect something from every stop.