MadameCercle 2 February, 2022
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Naga sake
I don't know any French, so I have to put everything Cercle says through google translate XD. I'm happy to see her stick around with this community despite being the only French speaker on a mostly English website. This has always been a global community!
better than my 40something-year-old, dusty, high school French.
Désolant, oui. Alors il vaut mieux que je ne dise pas ce à quoi pourrait ressembler mon anglais. Ce serait fort déprimant, oui.
I had it more or less figured out. At this point my French vocabulary is similar to that of an isolated two year old whose parents never talk to him...mean parents.
Arrêter ☞☞☞ [1] — mon job, ça a toujours été de voir ce qui se passe [2] — et c'est pas parce que je suis à la retraite que je vais arrêter ça [3] — en plus, maintenant je commence à comprendre ce que je vois
=== désolée ... le texte arrive ! ===
I see...I think...hmm.