Captain Sparks The Voltorb

NeoChomik    10 November, 2021
Captain Sparks The Voltorb

Inspired by Naga Sake's poliwhirl strip, I decided to make my favourite Pokemon. And while I'm at it, why not bring the one that was with me for the longest.

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16/11/2021 Edited   Dawg123 Dawg123
So on point with his look!

11/11/2021 Edited   Loop ar vro Loop ar vro

11/11/2021 Edited   MadameCercle MadameCercle
* * *

10/11/2021 Edited   Stihl Stihl
Imagine wasting a pokemon ball on a pokemon ball

10/11/2021 Edited   El_Ceviche El_Ceviche

10/11/2021 Edited   No Profile Image burkart is the best on g
giovanni said he will die for this on god no kizzy

10/11/2021 Edited   Naga sake Naga sake
I like it! What's the story here? Like how'd he get the scar?