The Spectre Returns..

..and has an existential crisis. But in all seriousness, what the hell happened? I remember this being a thriving community ready to explore the new frontier, and now it's reminiscent of StripGenerator's final days. (that was the punchline of the comic by the way). The site hasn't been updated in god knows how long, hardly anybody's active anymore, and every third thing is broken! I really want to know what happened in detail (bonus points if you put it in a comic). If I was able to have full control, I'd probably pump out many comics at once as a series as the former character attempts to figure out what happened. Sadly, I don't have total freedom. Of course back in January, we didn't, but at this point, I expected a little.. more. Why has nothing progressed? Why is there only two active users? Why are we so close to the 100th user? I need ANSWERS!!! Also, if anyone knows where the Discord to ComicCreator is (or if it even exists at all), please send me the invite. See you later! :)