Artificial Heart Program Research Page 1

Naga sake    21 March, 2025
Artificial Heart Program Research Page 1

I got alot of concurrent plot threads I need to write. Honestly I probably could have waited to show the artificial heart program until issue 5, since it only really starts to matter then, and I'm trying to wrap up issue 4 after over two goddamn years, but here I am writing part of it now because chronologically it takes place now, and since Naga is working with Kathrine right now, she's gonna be able to sneakily get the information of how he got his heart too. I'm glad I get to flesh out character backstories a bit as well as hint at how the power system works to the audience more. I made this comic at first to explore this power system I thought up but my understanding of the world has changed alot since then, and in turn so has the power system itself, in some contradictory ways too. The end of issue 4 is HEAVILY going to explore the heart system, and identity and the metaphysical, expressing some ideas that have affected me in recent years. So stay tuned, folks.

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21/03/2025 Edited   Naga sake Naga sake
I'm not sure what I want to name these researchers. I want to give them related names, and preferably stick with the food theme I have for mad scientists. ATM I'm thinking Dr. Tall, Grande, and Venti. But if anyone has any better names in mind feel free to share.