Zeek 317
El_Ceviche 8 March, 2025
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Buck up. There's never a shortage of people willing to kill indiscriminately for a vague cause.
Transcript: Looks like we have a good start. We have a prototype space fighter and control of the generatrix.
Yes, but there is no rebellion to provide rebel soldiers to stop the emperor.
We can have all the Jedi powers and lofty goals we want but without manpower, we are dead in the water
Those two people at that table have been watching us.
They look dangerous...but also familiar.
I think we saw them in Space City.
Wait! It's Julian! and some Asian girl!
Not just some girl she was one of my bodyguards when I was running Space City!
Space City is gone. there was a zombie infestation. only a few of us escaped.
But I think we can help you. You say you need someone to start a rebellion?
You can help us start a rebellion?
You could say it's my wheelhouse.
Wait! What happened to my other two bodyguards?