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Oh, Spork!
Captain’s log: star date - one, two, three, here comes Mr. Lee - everything is nominal aboard ship. Everything was Archie, but we fixed that…
Do you know what this ship needs, Captain? A Starbucks.
The first mate of a whaling vessel? But why?
Starbuck? Did somebody say Starbuck?
Forget it Spork: no one was talking about Battlestar Galactica.
Well you should be; it was a great show: way ahead of its time!
How was it ahead of its time?
It had spaceships in it.
Spork, there have been shows with spaceships in them since the invention of television - including the one from the sixties that had the tall guy that never expressed emotions.
Oh, you mean Mel from The Dick Van Dyke Show.
Not quite.
Face it Spork: Battlestar Galactica was canceled after one season for a reason. That robot was really annoying. I mean “biddy, biddy, biddy”? What’s that all about?
That was Buck Rogers, Captain Turk.
And it was awesome!