KAB: Hammer Time
You know people used to complain that this comic was too fast paced, now I worry it's too meandering. I wanted to give Hector's new team an intro scene where they all show off a bit of who they are. In issues 1-3 that'd've been a one-page ordeal but I forsee this taking a couple. This girl, name still unknown to me at time of writing, is a hardcore feminist, a 'political lesbian' type (A large irony in her being part of a team made up of exclusively men other than her, but as I established earlier in the comic, the resistance is made up of people from a large swath of backgrounds and beliefs, their only commonly held one being that the Cero City government needs to be torn down and *SOMETHING* else needs to come in it's wake), and her heart is named "The Hammer" For two reasons; 1. What better tool to smash the patriarchy? 2. cause *you can't touch this* :P Also brought back the guy the Pisces twins burned in issue 1. Bro's probably gonna be this story's gag punching bag.