KAB: Sander's Space fare rap.

Naga sake    18 December, 2024
KAB: Sander's Space fare rap.

Given how much music plays a part in issue 4 of KAB, I have to figure out how to communicate the sound of the music in the visuals of the comic. At the moment I'm doing that with abstract visuals that give the same 'vibe', and in the case of something like this, literally just showing the kind of instruments used on screen. For some of it I think just having music notes and visuals to denote that music is happening is fine, but for some parts (like this one, for story reasons shown on the next page) I have to actually write lyrics as if I'm making a song. I've never been a poet or a very good lyricist, and given that Sander is supposed to be a conscientious rapper, a genre known for intelligence, eloquence, and lyricism, I feel like I'm out of my depth writing this, especially considering the very different social dynamics in Cero City.

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20/12/2024 Edited   El_Ceviche El_Ceviche

20/12/2024 Edited   Naga sake Naga sake
I established in an earlier page that he can open up holes in his body. He uses it to hide items usually. He's doing that in the final frame. He lifted his shirt up.

19/12/2024 Edited   El_Ceviche El_Ceviche
Not much into rap myself. I'm from a prrrrrevious generation, but I think you did fine. What is that happening with Sanders's anarchy symbol in thlast frame?