KAB: Stretch limo and flesh pockets

Naga sake    19 November, 2024
KAB: Stretch limo and flesh pockets

My ADHD is killing my ability to work, but I have a laser-guided focus on finishing this. If I do one page a day I can have this finished by the end of the year. Also yeah, introducing the fact one of the characters has a power several years into the series :P at least it's something that wouldn't have naturally come up beforehand anyway. This isn't a heart power, mind you, this is just something he can do!

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20/11/2024 Edited   El_Ceviche El_Ceviche
Never trust a guy with a spiky turtle shell! I play the video games!

19/11/2024 Edited   Naga sake Naga sake
There's that guy in the corner again; the quiet one that's always following Reiko. What's up with him?