KAB; Walk of shame

Naga sake    21 August, 2024
KAB; Walk of shame

Hector drops the most justified F-Bomb in the series

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23/08/2024 Edited   Mark Burkhart Mark Burkhart
Oh don't worry about it, I like your strip

22/08/2024 Edited   Naga sake Naga sake
But also yeah there are some more extreme scenes that I dont post here, definitely beyond PG. But also also, it's interesting that you say "I like it *anyway*, because that shows that you see vulgarity and violence as a mark of lower quality art, but enjoy my art in spite of that. Also, I never really thought about or realized that yeah, my stuff probably IS the most not-so-family-friendly comic on here. Back on SG there were all sorts of comics with swearing or combat, but most CC users are purely comedy based at this point. But yeah, if you wanna read my full comic without random fragments of strips and giant missing holes, check out !

22/08/2024 Edited   Naga sake Naga sake
So, this comment says so much about so much it actually makes me wanna dissect it. So for one; saying my comic is "PG" shows your age. PG-13 came into existence in 1984, and given the violence and swearing in my comic as I post it on CC, it's definitely a PG 13 (or honestly an R rated) series. For two, it shows you dont read my comic on my site. I can tell you now there are pages I dont finish or dont post here, sometimes I make hand-drawn pages that I put on my website. I'm sorry, but Kill All Boneheads purely on comic crafter has to be completely incomprehensible.

22/08/2024 Edited   Mark Burkhart Mark Burkhart
Julian, you're like the only PG rated strip we have going on. I like your strip anyway.