Blended Humor

Pen_alias    22 July, 2024
Blended Humor

My fights are too short; my escapes take too long - nag, nag, nag... I didn't really want to save that blender to my library, and since everyone in this comic is more or less in the same position as the last comic, I thought I'd experiment with masking out old dialog and replacing it with new. I'm not sure I'd recommend it but if we don't experiment, we cannot ascertain our possibilities.

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23/07/2024 Edited   Mark Burkhart Mark Burkhart

22/07/2024 Edited   MadameCercle MadameCercle
Un tel mixeur doit être précieusement conservé.

22/07/2024 Edited   Pen_alias Pen_alias
Transcript: You may have escaped me in the past, Bawkman, but this time you’ve r-r-rolled the DICE and lost! I don’t get it. Why the emphasis on dice? Because you’re in a big blender. So? So, it’s got a dice feature! You know: it slices, it dices… Oh…well that’s a reach. It is not a reach; it’s spot on! Blenders are well known for their dicing features! Holy belabored pun!