It Just Doesn't Trek

Pen_alias    12 July, 2024
It Just Doesn't Trek

Someone forgot to put "spoiler alert" before his comment yesterday. Hmph!

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13/07/2024 Edited   Mark Burkhart Mark Burkhart
We have to go back and save Gene, Rod, and Barry!

13/07/2024 Edited   Mark Burkhart Mark Burkhart

12/07/2024 Edited   EdWilder EdWilder
"Shut up and take my money!"

12/07/2024 Edited   Pen_alias Pen_alias
Transcript 2: It’s about a bunch of clowns wrongfully accused of starting a circus fire, on the lam, working as mercenaries and traveling the country while all packed into one tiny clown car. They’re champions of justice, always coming to the aid of the less fortunate. Provided the less fortunate can afford them. Yeah, they’ve got to make a living. And they’re all super serious. Except for Bonko; he’s the funny one. You fools! You destroyed Gene Roddenberry’s career! There’s no way that tripe could possibly cultivate the following that Star Trek enjoyed! Hey man, why are you in that elf costume? Aren’t you coming with us to Clown Con? Noooooooooo! Oh, what a horrible nightmare! Well you’re safe now: right here in good old nineteen fifty-five.

12/07/2024 Edited   Pen_alias Pen_alias
Transcript 1: Everyone has forgotten all about Star Trek! I can even feel its influence slipping away from me. I’ve already forgotten some of the lyrics from Beyond The Rim of The Starlight! Admit it! You two used a time machine to go back and snuff Gene Roddenberry. Murderers! MURDERERS! Oh calm down; we didn’t have to kill him. We just pitched him an idea for a much better show and he forgot all about science fiction. Better than Star Trek? Impossible!