Boldly Shake Your Tail Feathers

Pen_alias    18 February, 2024
Boldly Shake Your Tail Feathers

Spork can be such a square.

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18/02/2024 Edited   Pen_alias Pen_alias
You were so much older then; you're younger than that now.

18/02/2024 Edited   El_Ceviche El_Ceviche
One of my students saw a picture of me and asked me if I was younger then ... seriously, What are we teaching these kids?

18/02/2024 Edited   El_Ceviche El_Ceviche
So many references to my younger days. Breathe it in...

18/02/2024 Edited   Pen_alias Pen_alias
Transcript 2: Of course it does; it’s just straight grapefruit juice. How are you going to boost the ship’s morale with tranya? There’s more to an entertainment lounge than just drinking Mr. Spork. Such as? Everybody’s doin’ the… Disco, Disco Duck! AAAAH!

18/02/2024 Edited   Pen_alias Pen_alias
Transcript 1: Captain’s log: star date - I’ve been made blue, I’ve been lied to, when will I be loved - this is my log: there are many others like it but this one is mine… Alright Quack, I tried to embrace the whole overzealous, next-generation alien thing but it just isn’t working. Go take off the prosthetics and billybob teeth. Wish pleasure Captain Shurk. Captain Turk, I’ve been thinking. Suppose we do get this entertainment lounge idea of yours off the ground. Does this ship have a liquor license? We’re in space Mr. Spork. Neither the FDA nor the TTB have jurisdiction up here. Besides, how much liquor can there be in tranya? Tranya? Is that all you’re planning to serve? Hey don’t knock it; it packs quite a punch.