"I'm going to keep doing what I do whether or not a single comic is sold"

Naga sake    11 December, 2023
"I'm going to keep doing what I do whether or not a single comic is sold"

Back with more pretentious names for art pieces. For a long time internally I've associated Julian with the raised fist symbol, specifically a red one. I feel like it's fairly obvious why. But I've never actually depicted it in the comic. So here's that. "Kill all boneheads" was his graffiti tag even before the comic was named that, in fact that's WHY the comic is named that, but now it looks like I'm sneaking the title into a frame. I suppose pages like this could be 'break' pages like some manga have. I love mixing in the cartoony characters with real world photography. I just wish I had a good enough camera to do this with places around where I live. Unsurprisingly the architecture where I live is an inspiration to the aesthetics of the slums of Cero City. "pigeon squat" by incommunicado is licensed under CC BY 2.0

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21/12/2023 Edited   Naga sake Naga sake
Yes I have, and when I mentioned it in the description you made a joke about it. Did you forget? Your mind is going already? :( anyway I'd still prefer to use creative commons images or pictures I take myself, collaboration between artists and freedom of information are a big thing to me. AI art is a last-resort tool.

20/12/2023 Edited   El_Ceviche El_Ceviche
Have you tried using AI to make backgrounds for your strips?

13/12/2023 Edited   MadameCercle MadameCercle
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11/12/2023 Edited   El_Ceviche El_Ceviche
I love seeing the Zeek character under that title because I feel the same way. For me, it is NOT about selling comics. I just love using this medium to tell a story. I wish I had the time and talent to add the details to the art that you do, Julian. It makes a difference.