Comic Crafter Character Collage poster.

Naga sake    16 July, 2023
Comic Crafter Character Collage poster.

My dad's hosting a tattoo convention in October and says he can get me a booth. I'm gonna try to print out Kill All Boneheads comics, but I'm also gonna work on getting posters/prints made, and this is one I could use. It's an odd relationship I have to SG/CC and the art I make. For something like the KAB original characters, and backgrounds; that's all me. I use some generic shapes and tools that could be found anywhere. But the stock characters are already made. HOWEVER, both this website, and I specifically, have express permission to use these characters, plus the original SG TOS gave creators joint ownership of anything made on SG, and considering that all our CC stock characters come from tracing/editing SG comics we've made, this is all technically a derivative work from that work which we have our own ownership of. PLUS these characters/items are defacto abandonware. I know I'm legally safe, but- (finished in the comments. Sorry I have alot to say.)

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19/07/2023 Edited   MadameCercle MadameCercle
Superbement collé.

16/07/2023 Edited   El_Ceviche El_Ceviche
Love it

16/07/2023 Edited   Naga sake Naga sake
I for one hate copyright to begin with, growing up having access to sites like SG that encouraged being creative and gave me a boost to help me make stories and tell jokes, I kinda wanna pass that forward you know? I would pretty much never actually enforce my own "copyright" to anything I make, I plan on entering KAB into creative commons once it's finished, and alot of the music I've made already is. I think it morally evens out in the end, right? IDK gimme your thoughts. anyway this is one of the posters I'm gonna be selling. I worry it's got too much black going on in the bottom and that the bottom is indistinct and it's hard to tell individual characters apart.

16/07/2023 Edited   Naga sake Naga sake
My real worry is someone saying that I'm just profiting off someone elses work. Like this, this is a collage of characters, most of which already exist. Did I put in enough effort? Some of the characters here are my own design. I see this site and the assets as more of a tool/medium of their own. Anyone can use them just like anyone can use a triangle. If someone made a collage of triangles that's fine right?