The Neptune's Prize
El_Ceviche 26 May, 2023
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korgis are to be reckoned with
Petite dissuasion.
Those dogs are pretty annoying.
Transcript: The Neptune's Prize stands off against four Turnip battlecruisers.
That glassy-eyed stare. These guys don't look too bright, Kriss.
Well, they ARE vegetables, JT.
Captain, the comms ARE open.
By Rochelle's stony maw, this indignity will not go unpunished!
Close the comms Uaru!
Yes sir.
JT, the Neptune's Prize could take any one of their ships but there are four of them!
Understood Commander Pike. Options Mr. Sock?
You could try the Korgi ruse, Captain.
Open channel, Uaru.
Captain, I don't suppose an, "I'm really sorry" will help the situation?
Only your destruction will pay for this insult, fish!
In that case, you should know that this ship is equipped with a Kogi device.
Correct. In the event of our destruction, the device will detonate. rendering this area of space uninhabitable.
They left fast enough, eh Mr. Sock?
Indeed captain. The mere mention of Korgis has that effect on many people.