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they did survive it
Quand on est sur un cerf, on tient sa langue.
Didn't see that coming. Hasty things deer.
Step on it Tree Deer, we need to make up for lost time; the Cackler is way ahead of us!
And in this sort of race they don’t give silver medals for coming in second!
How’s my Sean Connery?
The Cackler may be this minute at the Prancing Pony negotiating for MY Bawkmobile! That only gives us about six hours while the salesman goes back and forth to the office to pretend to discuss the deal with the manager even though everyone knows he’s just back there smoking a cigarette.
Mustn’t be hasty chickens…hrmm…
What are you talking about? You’ve been sprinting through this forest all day! Suddenly now that you actually have some place to go you’re a tortoise racing a hare?
That…was before I had five chickens on my back…delicate cargo: chickens…hrmm…
Come on! We’re all seasoned adventurers at the peak of physical condition! We’re not going to have any trouble staying on a running deer’s back!
Hrmm…if you say so…
Saw that coming.