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it felt more vital to the story
Too late for that.
— Doit-on tout oublier depuis le début ?
Discouraged with the proper channels, the nine Naz-gulls set off in search of the dark one.
Having no intrinsic notion as to where to find him, they soon found themselves far from home in a daze.
Wandering aimlessly through an unfamiliar land, in time they forgot their mission; they forgot their homeland; they even forgot their own names…
What are we doing Bill?
I’m not Bill.
Well where’s Bill, Steve?
Who’s Steve?
Bill would know…am I Steve?
Age passed into age. They took to dwelling in dark places, wearing dark clothing and eating raw fish…
…of course, eating raw fish is something gulls generally do anyway, so it’s not that unusual.
So…nevermind about the fish thing; forget I even mentioned that part.