Frogman: from acoustic folk to emo rap, the chilling inside story!
Naga sake 7 November, 2022
The next issue is gonna have a plot about THE ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY (I know how original, nobody's ever criticized the entertainment industry before! which is crazy cause like everyone's totally a part of it and it's so relatable! 😲) But obviously this is a purely visual medium, so I was experimenting here with weather or not I could get acrossed the way the music sounds through abstract visualizations. I'm sure the aesthetic and musical style I chose to make the "bad" one will make the boomers happy (it's the popular musical style and fashion of the youth of the time! Remember how old good new bad? I do!) Don't have a name for this guy yet.
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sounds like a Froop
Boomer here. I think it's natural to cling to the music and culture you knew as a youth. That being said I honestly find little value in a lot of today's music.
Tout le monde ne fait pas totalement partie de l'industrie du divertissement. Il manque encore des gens.