Kali Ma/גבורה/Judgement
So how the heart system works has changed over the years, but at this point I have this idea that your heart can develop and slightly change form (within a reasonable area) as you change as a person, but the already established "Final stand" is a solidifying of it, never allowed to change again. That being said, while the form it takes in the world changes, that's all set dressing to the solid, consistent core. I find often when I'm writing things I never intended just *fall into place*. At his strongest, Julian's skin becomes a dark grey, originally just cause he's engulfed in flames, so he looks like ash/a silhouette. But the Hindu god, Kali also has black skin, and I found an odd intersection between the concepts of Julian's heart "Judgement", The god Kali, and The Kabbalah concept of Gevurah. Hearts themselves somehow ended up aligning very well with Thelema and the concept of 'the will'...(continued in comments)