The Penguin
Mark Burkhart 28 July, 2022
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Oh so it's just an accent
No wonder he has red eyes.
The hookers use these stones to make a nest...wonder if the guy has to pay chickling support?
One poor guy payed 65 stones to get laid.
I guess they pay for the hookers with stones go figure.
Ummm not really they have gangs...and Hookers!
Don't they just stand around exchanging "waa waa waas"?
Been watching penguin vidios...
HoulĂ .
Yup, balloons.
Yeah, rabies vaccinations are quite painful I understand.
balloons huh?
was a close thing
to fend off rabid rain
used my umbrella today
You never know when it might rain.
oh, my bro would so kill him!
wait a sec, my bird has an umbrella...
A harvest of sunshine.
He calls it harvesting...
Talk to El about chickens bud. He kills and eats them
speach boxes too I assume
oh not played with balloons thnx
Not even fried ones?
ok....might need to sleep soon....and not dream of chickens...
Gods and engine room without chickens.....
By the way, the key to that nice, round penguin shape: balloons - they're almost entirely made of balloons.
We need yer birds for our spaceships! you know this to be true...
Forewarned is forearmed.
gimme a sec
actually have not figured out the turky...
All yer chickens be mine Pen! even the black and white ones!!!! Muahahahahahahahahahahahahah....gasp....
needs a cigar