Pumping iron

Naga sake    5 January, 2022
Pumping iron

I keep fucking up and forgetting minor details that would definitely benefit the comic in the longrun if I kept up with it; Julian's mask covers his nose, and when wearing the mask, his textbox is supposed to have a lightning bolt string not a regular one.

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08/01/2022 Edited   Dawg123 Dawg123
Strong Guy

08/01/2022 Edited   MadameCercle MadameCercle
Bonjour de dos ! (détail sensible)

08/01/2022 Edited   Naga sake Naga sake
Nothing missing in THIS frame, but in others.

07/01/2022 Edited   No Profile Image Migy
I don't even understand which minor detail you forgot. I see you did your best and that's all that matters ; )

06/01/2022 Edited   NeoChomik NeoChomik
i mean, you can only get so far with just a heart

05/01/2022 Edited   El_Ceviche El_Ceviche
I also keep leaving out touches that would improve my strip. It is purely a time issue in my case. I just don't have the time to check and wait and make sure everything is just so before I publish.

05/01/2022 Edited   Emerald1631 Emerald1631
Gotta get buff