Artificial Heart Program Research Page 2

Naga sake    25 March, 2025
Artificial Heart Program Research Page 2

MUCHO TEXTO. The main complaint I get about my comic is there's too much text. I've tried my best to tone it down for a while now, but I feel like character's delving into the depths of the core concept of the story justified it more than anything. Naga's rant in particular is a genuine reflection on my state of mind when I first made the comic and thought up hearts. I had that same issue, of arguing nihilism, even in a world that might have a god. And the only solution I could find to the directionless meaninglessness of life was that *I found the idea of the world being meaningless* upsetting, and it there was truly no meaning I wouldn't feel upset about that fact; There was SOMETHING I needed to do or know that I wasn't getting now. I could FEEL that there was some purpose to existence, even if all that purpose was was *trying to find meaning*, there was SOMETHING in me driving me to seek satisfaction. That's what hearts are.

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25/03/2025 Edited   Naga sake Naga sake
I have an unfinished page I want to retroactively add into issue 2 that shows Dr. Lemonpepper. He's the stock mad scientist character visually. His whole thing is combining humans and animals into monsters.

25/03/2025 Edited   EdWilder EdWilder
Have you done a character for Dr. Lemonpepper?