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Captain’s log: star date - woo-ooo wit-chay woman - as we delve deeper into the Old Forest, a near palpable gloom pervades the air. Though midday, darkness hangs unyieldingly around us and the very still silence seems to scream a warning to proceed no further…BOOGAH, BOOGAH, BOOGAH!
Stay close everyone, we don’t want to become separated.
Not THAT close Yeoman!
Halt! You are entering the realm of the Naz-gulls! Speak the password or perish!
I’ve got a password for you: let us through or I’ll set my phaser to “green eggs and ham” you gangrenous hog!
Incorrect! Your doom is looking imminent. I am not above eating peacock out of season!
Again with the peacock? I do not look anything like a peacock!
Now, I’m going to give you one last chance to give the correct password, but if you don’t say swordfish this time, your fate is sealed!